活动预约代理商 - 这个翻译对吗? booking agency (the agency which organizes and books tickets for different events - concerts, plays, festivals etc)
13 de oct. de 2015 9:23
Respuestas · 4
演出票务代理 演出票务中心 演出票务网 http://www.yanchupiao.com/
13 de octubre de 2015
thank you! :)
13 de octubre de 2015
yes,it makes sense. 预 购(like pre-purchase)physical object,goods,also for ticket, 预 售(pre-sale)feels more from seller side to inform you. 预 订(order)quite common for ticket,hotel, 预 约(book)more like for restaurant reservation,appointment, Im not really seeing any difference among those words,some times they just mess around with them. FYI,check 预购从速,(current popular usage ,you want one,you better be hurry,this is my lame En version,but definitely check this.)
13 de octubre de 2015
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