Kamal Aiman Aidi
Can you help me with this phrases ? Hi, I'll be going to Guangzhou this late November so I need someone to translate for me these phrases to Cantonese. Thanks. 1. Excuse me, where is the toilet/washroom/restroom ? 2. What/where is the nearest Metro station ? 3. How do I get to ...(place)... by Metro ? Thanks
13 de nov. de 2015 6:11
Respuestas · 12
1、不好意思,请问厕所在哪? 2、请问最近的公交站在哪? 3、请问我能怎么去最近的公交站?
13 de noviembre de 2015
1. Excuse me唔好意思、唔该、, where is the toilet/washroom/restroom ? 厕所系边度啊?WC系边度啊? 2. What/where is the nearest Metro station ? 最近噶地铁站系边度? 最近噶地铁站叫咩名?最近噶地铁站点行? 3. How do I get to ...(place)... by Metro ? 去哩个地方要点样坐地铁?去哩度点搭地铁啊? some pronounciation are not exactly like the Mandrain Character, but similar, Good Luckkkkkkk
14 de noviembre de 2015
Hopefully, you’ll find my response helpful!
28 de noviembre de 2015
3. How do I get to ...(place)... by Metro ? 坐 / 搭 地鐵我點樣可以去到… (place)…? co5 / daap3 dei6-tit3 ngo5 dim2 joeng2 ho2 ji5 heoi3 dou3…(place)…?
28 de noviembre de 2015
2. What/where is the nearest Metro station ? 最近嘅地鐵站係乜嘢站?最近嘅地鐵站喺邊度? zeoi3 kan5 ge3 dei6-tit3-zaam6 hai6 mat1 je5 zaam6? zeoi3 kan5 ge3 dei6-tit3-zaam6 hai2 bin1 dou6?
28 de noviembre de 2015
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