How do i speak english fluently
26 de nov. de 2015 14:46
Respuestas · 4
That previous comment does not help you at all, its a shame. Anyway if you wish to speak any language with fluency all you have to do is use it everyday, speak with native speakers via skype etc, and practice. Its very simple. It may seem difficult, but you will succeed . All the best.
27 de noviembre de 2015
I would be willing to help you! especially since i want to learn twi!
22 de abril de 2016
English is well spoken in Ghana but sometimes, one wishes to speak just as the native English speakers. I just need a technique to help me attain my aim.
27 de noviembre de 2015
I thought that in Ghana English was spoken. It turned out that I was wrong then.
26 de noviembre de 2015
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