What is the differece between RECALL, REMEMBER and REMIND???? When do you use them? What is the difference? Could you please write to me any examples? Thank you so much in advanced
30 de nov. de 2015 22:53
Respuestas · 8
Recall and remember can be used in almost all of the same circumstances, but there are a few exceptions. They are interchangeable here: “I remember that happening.” “I recall that happening.” However, in the sentence: "___ this for the test," you would say: “Remember this for the test.” You would not say “Recall this for the test.” It’s not necessarily incorrect, but no one would say it because “remember” fits better in the sentence. “Remind” is an entirely different word. You don’t often use “remind” to replace “remember” or “recall”. You could say: “He was reminded of the answer by something he saw in the room.” You could also say: “He remembered the answer because of something he saw in the room.” In these sentences, they mean similar things, but the direct object is changed with the word replacement. It is more awkward to use “remember” in that sentence, but it is correct. The most common use for “remind” is: “Remind me to do this later.” In that sentence, it is a command for someone to do something. Remind is used to get someone to remember something. “He reminded her to call her mother.”
30 de noviembre de 2015
Recall and remember are essentially synonyms for each other. "I remember when you..." or "I recall when you..." Remind however means that you either make someone else remember something or that something triggers your memory. "May I remind you to lock the doors after you leave." or "That song actually reminds me of when I..."
30 de noviembre de 2015
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