Can you make a sentence using this word"breach" and another sentence with"deadlock"?
8 de oct. de 2008 7:13
Respuestas · 3
I wish i could put a deadlock on your ability to ask any more questions like this my frnd this is an answer
8 de octubre de 2008
my frnd here r 2 scentences using the word breach You must do it according to procedure of breach the contract. The baby was born as a breach.
8 de octubre de 2008
Hmm to be honest "deadlock" is more like when there's a fight but nobody is getting anywhere. "The battle between the two sides is becoming increasingly deadlocked, with neither side able to gain ground." small corrections: "You must do it according to procedure of breach the contract." -> "You must do it according to the procedure for breach of contract" "The baby was born as a breach." -> "The baby was born breach"
8 de octubre de 2008
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