有关语法 about grammar 선생님께서는 학교에 기십니다.I know it's right. 어머니께서 밥을 잡수시네요.Can this sentence be written as "어머니께서는 밥을 잡수시네요."?
12 de oct. de 2008 6:39
Respuestas · 2
The right sentence, 선생님께서(는) 학교에 가십니다. 선생님께서는, 선생님께서 both are right, just depend on situations. There's some difference between two. When you want to emphasize the subject, you can use (는), but when you just refer to the fact or situation that the teather goes to school, it's better to use without (는). The most reasonable sentence, 어머니께서 진지를 드시네요. (잡수시네요, possible) But, the object 밥 dosen't go with the usage of the verb. 밥 goes with the verb, 먹다 which is used between friends or when older people talk to younger people. 어머니께서는 밥을 잡수시네요. (actually, the sentence is sort of wrong, but to explain something, I will let it be) The sentence means that she's eating, but the others. We could expect some situations through the sentence, for instances, only the mother is eating rice, but the others? not eating or eating another food. Hope to make you clear.
15 de octubre de 2008
您好! 我的汉语不好。 可是。。我会努力。。 第一次 文辞 = 선생님께서는 학교에 기십니다。 这是不是 '老师在学校'? 还是 '老师去学校'? (韩语拼写法错了的句子。) 如果 '老师在学校', 선생님께서는 학교에 계십니다。 기 -> 계 如果 '老师去学校', 선생님께서는 학교에 가십니다。 기 -> 가 第二次 文辞 = 어머니께서 밥을 잡수시네요。 有关语法。。。可能, 有关词汇。 어머니께서 밥을 잡수시네요。 -> 어머니께서 진지를 잡수시네요。 ‘밥’ 是 饭, 진지 是 ‘밥’的敬语。 第三次 文辞 = "어머니께서는 밥을 잡수시네요。" 可以。(但是, 应当如此 밥을 -> 진지를 ) [第一次, 第三次 文辞] 和 [第二次 文辞] 有点儿 差异。 [第一次 和 第三次 文辞] 强调 妈妈。 再见。。。
16 de octubre de 2008
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