Lisa S
Is there a phrase for this English idiom in French? In English, if I have a job that has many different roles, I might say that I "wear many hats". Is there an equivalent phrase in French? thanks, Lisa
6 de feb. de 2016 22:35
Respuestas · 7
No! There is an equivalent it's "avoir plusieurs casquettes" i often hear that in my work ;-) litterally it's " I have many hats". Of course every other expressions that Cherry told are also good. But i think that "avoir plusieurs casquettes" is the closer one.
7 de febrero de 2016
No there is no equivalent idiomatic expression using 'hat ' ,you would rather say ( maybe there are other idioms French people know about ) exercer plusieurs fonctions assumer de nombreux rôles occuper plusieurs postes .
6 de febrero de 2016
In fact it's the same: we say "j'ai plusieurs casquettes".
6 de febrero de 2016
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