An English movie I'm looking for an English movie . I want it would help me to know the language faster. Thank you!
7 de feb. de 2016 16:17
Respuestas · 2
Hello! There are a bunch of amazing english speaking movies. These are some of my favorite ones: - To Kill a mockingbird (1962) - Stand By Me (1986 - drama) - Me, Earl and the dying girl (2014 - drama) - Juno (2007 - drama) - Forrest Gump (1996 - drama) - Inside Out (2015 - animation) - 500 days of summer (2009 - romantic comedy) - Life of Pi (2012) - Scent of Woman (1992) .... I would like to suggest much more, but for while, that's it!
7 de febrero de 2016
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