What is the semantic difference between "do not" and "don't", "I have" and "I've"? And other abbreviated words such as "won't", "wouldn't" "it's" and so on. Is there any semantic difference or it is just a shortening?
7 de feb. de 2016 21:00
Respuestas · 5
Those are called "contractions", and they have the exact same meaning. So yes, "do not" and "don't" both mean the same thing. (In the case of contractions, the apostrophe stands in for the missing letters.) Contractions work well in informal speaking and writing. For formal writing (academic writing in particular) you might want to avoid them.
7 de febrero de 2016
They mean exactly the same thing, so it is your personal preference to use either when you speak.
8 de febrero de 2016
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