Teacher Shona
Profesor profesional
Meaning What are the meanings of the following: 我吃完饭再去商店。 再高点儿,现在太低了。
9 de feb. de 2016 14:02
Respuestas · 3
我吃完饭再去商店。 I'll go to the store after I finished eating. 再高点儿,现在太低了。 More higher, it's too low.
9 de febrero de 2016
我吃完饭再去商店—I will go to the store after the dinner or launch or breakfast 再高点,现在太低了—more higher,it's too low now
9 de febrero de 2016
我吃完饭再去商店: I will go shopping after dinner. 再高点儿,现在太低了。a little higher please, it is too low now.
10 de febrero de 2016
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