What is the difference ? Hello ! Could tell me me, please, what is the difference between "To disappear" and "To vanish" ? Thank you
10 de feb. de 2016 8:10
Respuestas · 2
They are similar. The way I see it is: "To vanish" - means something that happened quickly and unexpectedly. "To disappear" - Something that is gone or missing however not like vanished where it was unexpected.
10 de febrero de 2016
These two words are very close synonyms, and are almost always interchangeable. I agree with Richard that 'vanish' is more sudden, but not about whether the event is unexpected or not. Something can certainly disappear unexpectedly - in fact most disappearances are unexpected. I think the only difference is that 'vanish' sounds more dramatic.
10 de febrero de 2016
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