how do you describe a customer who always pay bills on time or the opposite how do you describe a customer who always pay bills on time or the opposite
15 de feb. de 2016 12:28
Respuestas · 3
on time good/reliable customer. Customer always pay on time. Is always on time with payments. Not on time. Delinquent/Unreliable Customer. Alternatively you might hear a customer who is always in arrears or a customer who is always late [with payments].
15 de febrero de 2016
Not very elegant expression but it is often being used : good payer / bad payer
15 de febrero de 2016
on time simply - a good customer/ reliable customer not on time - poor customer/ unreliable customer something abit more idiomatic would be" getting him to pay is like beating blood out of a stone"
15 de febrero de 2016
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