Why "a uniform"? Why not "an uniform"? Why "a uniform"? Why not "an uniform"?
17 de feb. de 2016 14:23
Respuestas · 3
All English nouns beginning with the sound of a vowel use the article “an” and all English nouns beginning with the sound of a consonant use the article “a”. “Uniform” begins with a U which is a vowel, but it sounds like a “y” which is a consonant, so it uses the article “a”.
17 de febrero de 2016
Это слово [ˈjuːnɪfɔːm] начинается со звука [j], который считается согласным.
17 de febrero de 2016
It's not part of the word's spelling, but "uniform" begins with a "y" sound.
17 de febrero de 2016
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