What kind of grammar construction is this? (American English) I am watching video about American accent training and there is the phrase: If you use this intonation, not only will you be easier to understand, but you will sound much more confident, dynamic and persuasive. 'not only will you be easier to understand' What kind of grammar construction is this? Can you give me more examples or some links to grammar rule about this construction? I don't understand how to use it and in which situations.
30 de nov. de 2016 21:05
Respuestas · 7
This is called "inversion". It's standard English grammar at advanced level, and perfectly natural to use.
30 de noviembre de 2016
I agree with Peachey. Look up Unit 100 of Advanced Grammar in Use (by Martin Hewings). This kind of construction is used worldwide.
30 de noviembre de 2016
This type of sentences has the structure: Not only........, but/but also............
30 de noviembre de 2016
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