Future tense? So I just studied a new topic which is ㄹ/을 making future tense now I want to know what is the difference between these 2 sentences? 나는 내일 친구를 만날 것이요 나는 내일 친구를 만나겠어요 When should I use 겠 and ㄹ/을? and the "갈거요" is this the "길게요" I'm hearing? "I'm going"
8 de dic. de 2016 2:00
Respuestas · 5
나는 내일 친구를 만날 것이에요 or 나는 내일 친구를 만날 거예요 I will meet a friend tomorrow.(very possible) 나는 내일 친구를 만나겠어요 I will meet a friend tomorrow.(quite certain) 갈 거요 is short form of 갈 거예요. means I will go (sometime in the future) 갈게요 means I will go immediately 가요 means I'm going Quoted from https://hanguladay.com/tag/future-tense/ Probable Future distinguished by -(으)ㄹ 거예요 is the most common way to to refer future events in Korean. It can be used in all persons (1st, 2nd or 3rd person point of view). It can also be attached to all types of verbs, descriptive or processive. Future Presumptive is the more popular marker. Most refers -겠- as the marker that indicates future. While this true, the future presumptive is a matter of fact statement of personal intention. It can only be used for first person statements and second person questions. Immediate Future on the other hand can be distinguished by -(으)ㄹ게요. It is always first person and the action is usually beneficial to the hearer. This marker can only be used in a processive verb or verb that takes a direct object. Here are example to show you how the meaning differs using the 3 types of future: 읽겠어요 means I will read, am going to read. This is a strong statement of the speaker’s intention to read. 읽을 거에요 will read, am/is going to read. Statement in this form is less certain than the first. 읽을게요 I’ll read it/ I promise to read it. This makes the statement more immediate and gives a hint of promise or even assurance that the speaker is actually going to read.
8 de diciembre de 2016
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