How to make this paragraph more formal? Is there any gramma issue in this paragraph? I want send it to my tutor, it need to be formal... Thx for your help! XOXO
10 de dic. de 2016 10:32
Respuestas · 1
The problem with your text is not that it’s not sufficiently formal. The problem is that it’s difficult to understand what you’re writing. I have heard this thing before about students wanting to make their texts more formal. When I hear this it really annoys me. First of all a text should be comprehensible and written in a clear language. Don’t strive for formality, strive for clarity. The purpose of language is to make oneself understood. If your tutor doesn’t agree with that then I think you should find another tutor, because then he or she is in my opinion an incompetent fool.
10 de diciembre de 2016
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