Please check my grammar. Thanks. QUESTION: Have I used the verb tenses in capital letters correctly, and are my sentences grammatical? SENTENCES: 1. As you probably know, he's an old teacher. Suppose they [WERE] to fire old teachers tomorrow. If they [WERE NOT] to fire him, then by the end of this month it [WOULD BE] twenty years since he started teaching at that school. If they [WERE] to fire him, it [WOULDN'T BE]. 2. As you probably know, he's an old teacher. If they [HADN'T MADE] the decision to fire old teachers, and if they [WERE NOT] to fire him tomorrow, then by the end of this month it [WOULD HAVE BEEN] twenty years since he started teaching at that school.
28 de oct. de 2017 20:51
Respuestas · 2
Yep, correct!
28 de octubre de 2017
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