Please help me choose the correct verb tenses. Thanks. CONTEXT: The speaker is already married and has seen that movie. The speaker's friend is getting married tomorrow. The speaker is talking to her friend's groom. SENTENCES: 1. If I [HADN'T] seen that movie and [WASN'T/WEREN'T] yet married I would [HAVE MARRIED or MARRY?] you tomorrow. 2. If I [HADN'T] seen that movie and [WASN'T/WEREN'T] yet married I still wouldn't [HAVE MARRIED or MARRY?] you tomorrow. QUESTION: What should be used "HAVE MARRIED" or "MARRY"? Are the other tenses used correctly?
4 de nov. de 2017 2:10
Respuestas · 2
2nd conditional should be used as far as I can see: conditional part - past indefinite, main part - would + infinitive without "to"
4 de noviembre de 2017
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