you will feel better or you will be feeling better? If you take this medicine, you will feel better. (1) I suppose I could also say "If you take this medicine, you will be feeling better"(2) ? But I'm not clear about the differences between the two sentences. Does the first sentence mean you will be well if you take this medicine? Does the second sentece imply that you will be better just for a short while after you take this medicine? Thank you!
6 de nov. de 2017 6:24
Respuestas · 2
Future continuous is better with action verbs. Feeling is a stative verb. The first sentence is better because it uses the cause and effect conditional clearly. If you want to be set a time limit, you can say "If you take this medicine, you will feel better for (time) 2 hours." Or if you want to say the medicine won't fix everything, you can say "If you take this medicine, you will start to feel better". The start implies it will help a little but not cure it all.
6 de noviembre de 2017
What is the correct answer to say You will be feeling better or you will feel better
24 de noviembre de 2023
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