I'm confused about " homogenized " and "homogeneous " The dictionary says "homogenized milk " means milk where the fat is broken up so that its evenly distributed (seems like it could only be applied to things like milk ??) while "homogeneous " is used to describe a group or thing that has members or parts of the same kind . The thing is ,when I was talking about "racism in china "with a native speaker , he said something like "u can't talk about china as a homogenized nation " , did he mistakenly use "homogenized "for "homogeneous "? I'm confused ! Plz help me out ! Thanks a lot !
8 de nov. de 2017 4:10
Respuestas · 3
Homogenized is almost always used to describe milk, but apparently has a second definition which could be used to describe people, I guess: Homogeneous, though, is the word you should use to talk about people, populations and groups.
8 de noviembre de 2017
The word "homogenized" is a verb, while "homogenous" is an adjective. Homogenized can refer to something that underwent a process to reach a homogenous "state", while homogenous is used in the present tense to describe a group (where the sample size is greater than one) that is similar, comparable, et al.
8 de noviembre de 2017
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