Which one is grammatically correct when requesting sth from sb in a letter? Hello. Please let me know which of the following sentences is correct? Shall I use " to" shown in the parentheses or not? 1) I would like you please reconsider this issue and reopen the club again. 1a) I would like you (to) please reconsider this issue and reopen the club again. 2) I would like to ask you please reconsider this issue and reopen the club again. 2a) I would like to ask you (to) please reconsider this issue and reopen the club again. Thank you!
19 de nov. de 2017 6:43
Respuestas · 1
1a and 2a. > reopen the club. I've assumed the club has not been closed and reopened previously.
19 de noviembre de 2017
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