Interested in/to vs Interesting Hi!Could you correct these senteces for me, please? ------- Are you interested in my problems? I'm not interested in football. I'm interested to speak Chinese. I'm interested in speaking Chinese. This movie was interesting me. Football doesn't interest me Football doesn't interesting me. I have no interest in football. I don't care about football. I'm not interested in football. I'm not interested to football. ------ Thanks!
22 de nov. de 2017 10:52
Respuestas · 2
Are you interested in my problems? I'm not interested in football. I'm interested to speak Chinese.Wrong- if you want to say it a different way than the sentence you wrote below then you could say "Speaking Chinese interests me" I'm interested in speaking Chinese. This movie was interesting TO me. Football doesn't interest me Football ISN'T interesting TO me. I have no interest in football. I don't care about football. I'm not interested in football. I'm not interested [Can't use TO here] in football. An Italian guy who can't stand football? Fantastico!
22 de noviembre de 2017
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