From direct speech into indirect speech Hello, today I focus on direct and indirect speech! Direct speech: You said " I ate too much pasta". ---------------------------------- Indirect speech: 1) You said (that) you ate too much pasta. 2) You said (that) you had eaten too much pasta. What the difference between these 2 sentences? When do I have to use the first one, when the second one? If I know that the action is happened once, I'll use the past perfect. If it WAS a habit, I'll use the past simple. does my explaination is correct? Thank you
28 de nov. de 2017 9:47
Respuestas · 7
I would not use idea (1) it feels uncomfortable in any context, but maybe others have a different view does my explaination is correct? my explanation correct? is better
28 de noviembre de 2017
I totally agree with Bill. The correct answer is the second one. When using the reported speech, back-shifting is necessary (there are rare exceptions). Statements in the present tense = reported speech in the past simple tense/present tense if this is still a true fact or a general statement. I said, “my friend is an artist.”. I said (that) my friend is/was an artist. This is still true, so the present is OK. Statements in the simple past tense = reported speech in the past perfect tense: I said, “I went to the cinema.”. I said (that) I had gone to the cinema. Statements in the past perfect tense = reported speech in the past perfect tense: (no change here) I said, “I had eaten too much.”. I said (that) I had eaten too much. Statements in the futur tense = reported speech in the conditional I form: I said, “I will do the chores.”. I said (that) I would do the chores. Keep in mind that there are other rules to remember about the reported speech. I hope that makes sense.
28 de noviembre de 2017
IMO they're pretty much exactly the same. you could choose one over the other based on what the person actually said, but I don't think it matters much
28 de noviembre de 2017
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