question Something clanged to the road and sprayed up clods of asphalt before spinning drunkenly into the high grass to the left. A propeller. Question: before spinning drunkenly into the high grass TO the left == before spinning drunkenly into the high grass ON the left? If not, could you tell me the difference between them?
29 de nov. de 2017 2:35
Respuestas · 6
Both "TO the left (of the road)" and "ON the left (side of the road)" You're right, both can be used and they mean exactly the same.
29 de noviembre de 2017
To is a direction marker. On is for saying where the object is at rest. In your sentence about the propeller, I would use to because you are describing the movement. Hope that helped you. Best of luck with your studies.
29 de noviembre de 2017
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