What is the difference? It is supposed to have a wet and cold weather tommorrow We are supposed to have a wet and cold weather tommorrow
19 de oct. de 2018 14:44
Respuestas · 3
Personally, I would have said: It is supposed to be wet and cold tomorrow OR The weather is supposed to be wet and cold tomorrow OR We're supposed to have wet and cold weather tomorrow I wouldn't actually say "It is supposed to have a wet and cold weather tomorrow". I can't think of any situations where this would be used, but maybe someone else on here could correct me on that.
19 de octubre de 2018
Both sentences are incorrect. Some correct examples: It is supposed to be wet and cold tommorrow We are supposed to have a wet and cold day tommorrow. The weather is supposed to be cold and wet tommorrow. (all of them have exactly the same meaning)
19 de octubre de 2018
Can't explain it gramatically but "it is" is talking about the termical sensation will carry the incoming weather. While "we're having" is talking about termical sensation you, me, all of you will feel in the current time being.
19 de octubre de 2018
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