What is the difference between...? 안녕하세요 ~~ There are many words whose meaning is almost similar, I do not know if they are synonymous or are totally different? Such as: 갈라서하다 = 이별하다 = 작별하다 --》Separate, say goodbye And there are also words that I do not understand... Because it has many meanings... Such as: 돌아서다 = give back 깨지다 = Break up 미련이 남다 = Proud 허전하다= ?? ?괴롭다= ?? 서운하다 = ?? 후련하다 = ?? 도와줘서 고마워요 ~~
26 de oct. de 2018 22:56
Respuestas · 2
갈라서다 = to split up (intentional separation or divorce, or breaking up in some other other kinds of relationship). 이별하다 = to part with someone for good, or indefinitely (commonly in romance, but not always). 작별하다 = say goodbye and part with someone for the time being (may or may not be intentional) 갈라서다 is a practical term describing actions. 이별하다 is rather literary. In daily life, we use 헤어지다 instead of 이별하다. So you hear 이별 in songs and poems a lot, while 갈라서다 is only heard in real life, and 헤어지다 in both. 작별하다 has a much lighter meaning than the others, typically of unintentional and temporary parting. 돌아서다 = turn back (physically or figuratively). 깨지다 = shatter (physical), break up, or go awry. 미련이 남다 = Can't cut the tie completely. Have a lingering feelings for someone after splitting up. 허전하다= Feel empty, as if something is missing. 괴롭다= Feel (emotional or moral) pain. Agonize over matters of relationship or social responsibilities. 서운하다 = Feel sorry. feel regretful (because of a disappointing outcome, to part with someone, etc) 후련하다 = Feel good because you're freed from a difficult situation. (서운하다 and 후련하다 are antonyms) - 영숙은 약혼자에게서 마음이 돌아서버렸다. - 남편에 대한 믿음이 깨졌다. - 사귀었던 사람과 헤어졌지만 미련이 남는다 / 있다. - 파혼 후에 마음이 허전한 걸 어쩔 수 없다. - 단짝이던 친구가 이민을 간다니 너무나 서운하다. - 말썽 많던 직장을 그만두고 다른 회사로 옮기니 속이 후련하다.
27 de octubre de 2018
Some of those 단어 are level 4 and above, just FYI. You may want to try the 네이버 사전 (Naver Dictionary) https://dict.naver.com/ They have a wide varieties of dictionaries. 영어 Korean to English 국어 in Korean 일본어 Korean to Japanese 중국어 Korean to Chinese 프랑스어 Korean to French 스페인어 Korean to Spanish 독일어 Korean to German 베트남어 Korean to Vietnamese 더보기 More... The 국어사전 has everything. The others are a little more "limited".
27 de octubre de 2018
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