Dose "sense of improvement" make sense? Hi everyone, Could you tell me if "sense of improvement" makes sense? For example, can I say it in the following context? He has a high sense of improvement to the system. He always tries to make the system more advanced to achieve better results. Thank you so much in advance!
1 de nov. de 2018 5:56
Respuestas · 8
No. It's not going to work like that. One of those things that English just does not support. Maybe try He is highly motivated to improve the system. He always tries to make the system more advanced to achieve better results. "more advanced" advanced sounds a little srange used like this too.
1 de noviembre de 2018
I believe "motivation" or "initiative" are the words you are looking for.
1 de noviembre de 2018
Sense of improvement could make sense, but not in that context. 'There is a sense of improvement, but it's only a sense. A year later, and things are only very slightly better'.
1 de noviembre de 2018
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