Pronunciation of plural nouns Regarding plural nouns, why most of the native actors/actresses pronouce like "s" when a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), it should pronounce a voiced "ZZZZ" according to plural nouns rules ?
7 de nov. de 2018 14:22
Respuestas · 2
They don't. 'Trees' is pronounced /tri:z/ - no native speaker would say /tri:s/. There are two possibilities here: 1. You are misinterpreting what you hear. You might be hearing a very light 'z' which you perceive as an 's'. 2. These people are not native English speakers. People whose first language is Spanish or German, for example, often struggle to pronounce voiced final consonants and so mispronounce 'trees' as /tri:s/. Would you like to send us a link to a clip where you have found people pronouncing such words in this way?
7 de noviembre de 2018
Trees IPA: /tɹiːz/. Games IPA: /ɡeɪmz/
7 de noviembre de 2018
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