Is it correct if I say "i am still getting educated"? how can I say somebody that I didn't finish my university and still I'm going to the college? Is it correct if I say "i am still getting educated"?
9 de nov. de 2018 1:21
Respuestas · 11
"I am still getting educated" is grammatically correct and sometimes said but we dont use it in this context. I usually use it to mean "someone is berating me for a mistake or telling me how I am wrong" used with a negative sentiment. I would say "I am still pursuing my education" for the context you are looking for.
9 de noviembre de 2018
Being educated is a life long process to get oneself better. It may not involve studying. "We are always being educated even by small and trifle things in life". "getting an education" means to study... This is what you want for your question.
9 de noviembre de 2018
It's grammatically correct, but not natural. In formal situations, you could say 'in education': for example. "Jack is exempt from income tax because he's still in full-time education". In more informal situations, you can just use one of these simple phrases: I'm still at school/college/university (BrE) I'm still in school/college (AmE)
9 de noviembre de 2018
Thank you.
9 de noviembre de 2018
I think Merlyn meant to write "I'm still going to college/university". You should lose the 'the' but keep the 'to'.
9 de noviembre de 2018
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