Peace Is the Dream "Peace Is the Dream" is the title of an art exhibition in response to war. Which one is a better equivalent for this title: "peace is nothing but a dream" or "the dream of peace"?
10 de nov. de 2018 8:05
Respuestas · 3
I think the best equivalent would be 'The dream is peace' . This is because of one little word... 'the'. If the exhibition title was 'Peace is a dream' then your other equivalent - Peace is nothing but a dream' could apply, but you can't be sure what was in the mind of the person who wrote it. Maybe, 'A dream of peace'. - Note: in this example you can use the preposition 'of'. These prepositions are tricky! As I write this I am asking myself, "does this sound correct?" to me, from New Zealand, it does.
10 de noviembre de 2018
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