Are my sentences correct and do they sounds natural? Our truck has been delayed. We would like to know your warehouse closing time in order to provide a truck to pick up the goods in due time.
10 de nov. de 2018 10:01
Respuestas · 6
Hiya. A few pointers: "In due time" doesn't sound right to me in this context. I think you should say "on time" instead. "In due time" is a rather vague expression that just means "at the appropriate time". Also, if you say "we would like to know" you're not really directly asking them to give you that information. I would say "please could you inform us...." or "please could you let us know..." instead. That makes it clear that you want them to reply and give them that information. Also, if you say "our truck" it means that the truck belongs to us. Are you sure that's what you mean? The truck might be a truck that doesn't belong to your company. It might be a truck that belongs to a contractor that you're paying to do the delivery. Also, "provide" a truck sounds odd to me. Trucks aren't really something that you usually "provide". I would say "arrange" or "organise" instead. So, with all of these wee changes, you could say "Our contractor's truck / our truck has been delayed. We would be grateful if you would please let us know the closing time of your warehouse in order to arrange for a replacement truck to pick up the goods on time."
10 de noviembre de 2018
Hi hmano! Great sentences! I think they sound very natural and would work well in your business conversation. If you wanted to perfect them even further, here are some additional suggestions: Orignal sentence: Our truck has been delayed. Updated sentence: Our truck has been delayed due to traffic. (I think providing the reason for the delay is helpful in a business setting.) Original sentence: We would like to know your warehouse closing time in order to provide a truck to pick up the goods in due time. Updated sentence: What time is the warehouse closing? We are sending another truck to pick up the goods on-time. What time is the warehouse closing? We are rerouting the truck to ensure an on-time pickup.
10 de noviembre de 2018
Yes that's correct. If the truck wasn't able to arrive on time, we should have provide another truck.
10 de noviembre de 2018
'provide a truck' seems to mean it will be a different truck.. is that correct? If it's the same truck, you should say 'the truck'.
10 de noviembre de 2018
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