Şervan Kurdî
You’ll be bleeding out of your eyeballs at your computer! There might be a little more flexibility to your day should you be at liberty to devote yourself full-time to building your personal brand, but otherwise, assuming you’re doing this right, you’ll be bleeding out of your eyeballs at your computer. You might have thought your old boss was bad, but if you want your business to go anywhere, your new boss had better be a slave driver. What does "you’ll be bleeding out of your eyeballs at your computer" mean here? Thanks a lot in advance
13 de nov. de 2018 16:22
Respuestas · 2
it means that you will be using your computer and staring at the screen for so long that it will cause eye strain for the most part. it is a hyperbole used to express extreme discomfort.
13 de noviembre de 2018
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