which letter replace the letter ( P ) in arabic transcript?
28 de jun. de 2009 17:00
Respuestas · 5
any language has its privacy in letters and structures so don't try to compare language by another depending on one letter if you do, you will never learn any foreign language.
29 de junio de 2009
as the others said...no p in arabic but sometimes...in "slang" arabic, we write it just like a "b" which is ب but we place 3 dots instead of 1..of course it is not included in the keyboard so i can't write it here...it would look exactly like the inverse of a ث
29 de junio de 2009
As Farouk said, there is no P in Arabic. Also, no V in Arabic
28 de junio de 2009
Yes , there is no "p" in Arabic.
29 de junio de 2009
there is no p in arabic
28 de junio de 2009
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