Anyone know what are some good movies or tv shows to watch to learn mandarin?
15 de feb. de 2008 1:30
Respuestas · 10
I can recommend tv series 家有儿女!It's hilarious! + They speak "very-understandable-for-foreigners" Putonghua and often use the most common colloquial idioms. As a bonus all the episodes are subbed, so you'll be able to look up any unnown word in a dictionary. Good luck with your studies! ;)
25 de febrero de 2008
well, personally i think ud better start from watching some interesting chinese cartoon shows, like 大头儿子小头爸爸, 舒克贝塔,葫芦娃,齐天大圣,and so on, the common tv show would be a lil bit hard for you to understand...because they speak quite fast..:P bean
25 de febrero de 2008
strongly recommend--"THE WARLORD","ASSEMBLY",..
25 de febrero de 2008
tv series : 神探狄仁杰 
23 de febrero de 2008
the movie :<<大腕>> <<甲方乙方>> << 不见不散>> not only learning Chinese but also have fun.
17 de febrero de 2008
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