Treat you on a meal / to a meal If you want to pay the meal for a friend. Could you say it using: treat? I want to say it before going out like: don't worry I will pay the meal, I want you to eat out with me , it's to say thank you for your help.. Because 'invite ' is what we say in my language, but it is not correct. Thank you
1 de oct. de 2019 20:29
Respuestas · 8
The Oxford Learner's Dictionaries are an excellent resource. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/treat-to?q=treat+to
1 de octubre de 2019
You can say “I’d like to treat you to a dinner (or a meal) ” or you can say “dinner (or the meal) is on me.”
1 de octubre de 2019
In British English, you can use 'shout'. I'd like to shout you a meal.
1 de octubre de 2019
“Treat you to a meal” is the correct way Or “take you on a date” another one is “Take you to dinner” or “take you to lunch” or “take you to breakfast”
1 de octubre de 2019
HOLA i am new rigth now and i wanna learn english would you like practice with me ? and i would teches espanish
1 de octubre de 2019
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