Is the sentence right? A. I like reading science fictions. B. I like reading science fiction. Could you please if both are correct and native, actually I'm not sure if B is ok as I could google both of them on line, thank you so much. By the way, if I want to introduce a book (written 20 years ago) to one of my friends, should I use present tense or past tense to describe the content of the book , thank you so much.
9 de oct. de 2019 4:25
Respuestas · 2
A. I like reading science fictions. - nope I like reading science fiction stories. I like reading science fiction books. B. I like reading science fiction. - fine By the way, if I want to introduce a book (written 20 years ago) to one of my friends, should I use present tense or past tense to describe the content of the book , thank you so much. . Generally, you read it (past) and it describes (present) as it still does. I read this a while back. It's about ....
9 de octubre de 2019
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