concerned for VS concerned about Be concerned for and be concerned about both mean be worried about something; are they interchangeably in most cases? Love is when you are as concerned about someone else's situation as you are about your own. If I change it to 'concerned for', will it still mean totally the same?
10 de oct. de 2019 7:06
Respuestas · 3
We tend to use 'about' for either a situation or a person. "I am really concerned about Lyn - she is facing tremendous difficulties." "I'm very concerned about the situation." We use 'for' to reference a person. "I am concerned for Lin. She is really ill." But it is really odd to be concerned 'for' a situation. To be concerned 'about' is more impersonal. To be concerned 'for' is to express the personal, emotional aspect. Subtle difference.
10 de octubre de 2019
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