How to adding ~는/은 to verb and adjective to make more Complicated sentences in Korean? Hi. I'm studying Korean and i want to make more complicated sentences. I know i can add ~는/은/(으)ㄹ to verb and adjective before noun to make them, such as "가는 사람; 맛있는 음식". However, in the case of there are many adjectives and verbs before noun, I don't know how to combine., such as: "The beautiful and gentle girl who is walking is my girlfriend" and "I am very sad because my mother, the intelligent and funny woman I love so much, died 1 month ago" i don't know how to write the phrases "The beautiful and gentle girl who is walking" and "my mother, the intelligent and funny woman I love so much" correctly, so can you give me a rule when combining verbs and adjectives before the nouns? And can you translate the sentences above for me? Thank you!
11 de oct. de 2019 4:54
Respuestas · 2
@Unju 쌤 : Thank you. But if before noun there are many adjectives, such as : 아름답다 and 온화하다, we must use 고 to connect them, right?. But we can't use 고 to connect verb and adjectives before noun to become "걷고 있고 아름답고 온화한 소녀, right?
12 de octubre de 2019
"The beautiful and gentle girl who is walking is my girlfriend." (걷고 있는 그 아름답고 온화한 소녀는 내 여자친구야.) "I am very sad because my mother, the intelligent and funny woman I love so much, died 1 month ago." (제가 너무 사랑하는 지적이고 재미있는 여자인 제 어머니께서 한 달 전에 돌아가셨기 때문에 저는 매우 슬퍼요.) The adjective verb endings are used as English relative clauses to modify the nouns. For present descriptive verbs and past tense action verbs, '-은/ㄴ' is added to the verb stem, for present tense action verbs, '-는' is added, and for future tense action verbs, '-을/ㄹ' is added. The negative forms are made by adding '-지 않은' to the stem for descriptive verbs and '지 않는' to the stem for action verbs. (예쁜 옷, 높은 구두, 어제 간 식당, 어제 읽은 책, 지금 가는 식당, 지금 읽는 책, 내일 갈 식당, 내일 읽을 책)
11 de octubre de 2019
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