Alyosha Radyuk
Which of the following sentences rings most native to you? If one understands in good time that life is simple, it is simple indeed. If you understand in time that life is simple, then life is simple. If you realise in time that life is simple, then life will really be simple. If you come in time to the understanding that life is simple, then life is simple. The meaning is supposed to be more or less the same Thanks in advance!
11 de oct. de 2019 18:28
Respuestas · 2
Hi Alyosha If you realise in time that life is simple, then life will really be simple. sounds the best to me
11 de octubre de 2019
Hi Alyosha If you realise in time that life is simple, then life will really be simple. sounds the best to me
11 de octubre de 2019
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