Angel A
what does shaft mean? is it common? and if it is, how do, how can I use it?
22 de oct. de 2019 14:47
Respuestas · 3
You’re welcome :-)
22 de octubre de 2019
lol, there are a lot meaning!! thank you, Michael.
22 de octubre de 2019
Shaft is reasonably common and has more than one meaning. As a noun it can refer to a man made opening. For instance “The elevator doors opened, but the elevator wasn’t there, we looked down into the long elevator shaft.” It can also refer to something long and typically narrow like the shaft of an arrow or spear. It can also refer to rays of light like you might see on a cloudy day. As a verb it can be used as slang for treating someone harshly for instance “giving someone the shaft” or as vulgar slang for sex.
22 de octubre de 2019
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