English Grammar Hi friends I just wanted to know which one you would say more often in real life, when you just realize something has happened at that moment, like you want to take out your house key from your pocket and then you only just realized that you have lost your key or you want to take out your water from you bag and then you only just realized that you have forgotten to take your bag and have left it at home. Are these how you would say it? lol A.Oh my god, I lost my key or Oh my god, I've lost my key. B.Oh my god, I forgot my bag or Oh my god, I've forgotten my bag.
27 de oct. de 2019 7:54
Respuestas · 5
Shoot, I must have (must’ve) lost my key. Dang, I think I’ve lost my key. Crap, I don’t have my key. (Neither of your options sound right. How do you know you lost it? Oh my god, no) Darn it, I forgot my bag. Dang it, I’ve forgotten my bag. (Both sound fine, but “l’ve forgotten” is a little more upscale. Slight difference in meaning - focusing on past or present. )
27 de octubre de 2019
I would always use the present perfect in this context. The present perfect , e.g. 'I've lost my key'*, is a present tense: it focuses us on the present moment and tells us something about the current situation. In this case, it tells us that that I don't have my key at the moment. This is distinct from the past simple, which tells us something about a past time: the past simple would tell us when or where or how you lost your key. For example "I lost my key (last night)" or "I lost my key (on the beach)". That said, many American English speakers will use the past simple in the contexts you describe. * Note that the auxiliary verb 'have' is nearly always reduced to 've' in spoken English statements. We never use the full form of the auxiliary 'have' in speech unless we want to add special emphasis e.g. to contradict a previous statement.
27 de octubre de 2019
A is correct
27 de octubre de 2019
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