which is grammatically correct? "this very moment" i know what it means and i know its correct now look at these two: " the very book is.." "the very books are.." are they both correct? can we use "very" like this while the noun after it is plural?
31 de oct. de 2019 16:16
Respuestas · 4
You can say "these very books" or "this very book" but you have to say "this"/"these" and you cannot use "the" i.e. you cannot say *"the very book is". However, you can use it if it's followed by a relative clause. For example: "the very book that the authorities do not want you to read" E.g. I had been looking for the holy grail for so long. Little did I know it was located right within these very walls!
31 de octubre de 2019
yes, yes
31 de octubre de 2019
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