Stand in formation What does stand in formation mean? Row upon row, tomato plants stand in formation inside a greenhouse. To reproduce, most flowering plants depend on a third party to transfer pollen between their male and female parts. Some require extra encouragement to give up that golden dust. The tomato flower, for example, needs a violent shake, a vibration roughly equivalent to 30 times the pull of Earth’s gravity, explains Arizona entomologist Stephen Buchmann. Growers have tried numerous ways to rattle pollen from tomato blossoms. They have used shaking tables, air blowers and blasts of sound. But natural means seem to work better.
31 de oct. de 2019 17:14
Respuestas · 7
It’s easy to understand the idea, but it is not normal to refer to plants as “standing in formation”.
31 de octubre de 2019
In a straight line, in a row for these tomatoes or plants Although, some formations can be different shapes, like triangles in this case:
31 de octubre de 2019
Like soldiers in a nice rectangular pattern
31 de octubre de 2019
Soldiers stand in formation when they are listening to their drill sergeant's commands. Soldiers march in formation when marching in a parade. The school children are standing in formation behind the teacher before they walk from the classroom to the school yard.
31 de octubre de 2019
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