Are these sentences OK? If I do this, it's because I want to. Why are you closing up so eaarly? (a store etc.) Don't let it out of your sight for even one second. Everything I need is written on the list. / Everything I need is written on the paper. It says on it. / It's written on it.
6 de nov. de 2019 17:35
Respuestas · 2
They are all perfect, Pelin. No corrections needed. The last "It says on it" etc requires context. ie. As a response to a comment, for example. But I think you already know that.
6 de noviembre de 2019
Hi Pelin, 1. Yes that sentence structure is correct. 2. I would not use that particular structure - its a bit formal. Are you looking for British or American English. I would remove the up". I.e. Why are you closing so early? OR Why are you closing the store so early? 3. Correct 4. Its ok, but its passive voice. Try : The list has everything I need written on it. Think SVO (subject , verb , object). 5. These are incomplete sentences, by themselves. I would need to better understand the context, what is written/says on "it". I.e. The instructions are written on the paper. Hope this helps
6 de noviembre de 2019
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