a compromising position When it is said "he was in a compromising position" in reference to seeing someone masturbating in the bathroom, does "compromising" mean "shameful"?
16 de nov. de 2019 7:47
Respuestas · 3
Hi Steve. I am reading about an artwork by Gregor Schneider titled Die Familie Schneider. As a part of this artwork a man is masturbating in the bathtub. I encountered the phrase "being seen in a compromising position" in a book describing this part of this artwork.
16 de noviembre de 2019
Compromising, in this context means to be caught is a situation that leaves one open to discredit, suspision and yes, shame.
16 de noviembre de 2019
Really?, you want to ask a question about masturbation in this forum?
16 de noviembre de 2019
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