is "beyond" a conjunction too? can we say,(Beyond the kitchen was the wash area).....what im trying to say is the wash area is behind the kitchen.......is that sentence correct?
17 de may. de 2010 1:33
Respuestas · 3
Beyond and behind can also be used as an adverb, as it tells you where, but not at the start of a sentence
17 de mayo de 2010
Preposition. They are the worst because there are no grammar rules to help you, I recommend learning them one by one. It helps to study the word in a good dictionary, for example, "beyond". If you make a mistake with them it's not fatal because people will understand you.
17 de mayo de 2010
Never. Q: What was beyond the kitchen?/What was it beyond the kitchen? (Let's just talk about the grammar, though I don't think beyond is quite appropriate here. ) A: (What was) beyond (as a preposition) the kitchen was the wash area./(What) beyond (as an adverb) the kitchen was the wash area. (The subject in this context is just omitted. )
18 de mayo de 2010
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