swim in/at/under the waterfall. Which is correct?
30 de may. de 2010 15:41
Respuestas · 3
Swim under the waterfall, or swim through the waterfall is correct. Swim in the freshwater or swim in the river.
30 de mayo de 2010
You could swim UNDER the waterfall or IN the waterfall , in the later case it doesn't mean you are swimming in the cascade of falling water of course , but in the area forming an expanse of water nearby,so the reference to the waterfall here is a reference to the whole area as a touristic site. As for fish they could swim UP a waterfall; they could make it up to the top by the help of current and the usage of their tail.
31 de mayo de 2010
Examples - I went swimming under a waterfall (past). I am swimming under a waterfall (present). Let's go swim under the waterfall (as if your telling someone do). :)
30 de mayo de 2010
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