what does mean 'spacetravellers' i find this word on on-line radio lounge-radio.com . it word have been used in a several phrases: "loungeradio for spacetravelers" and "Hello spacetravellers! You listen ....". And my first assotiations with this word is it means "listener".
30 de may. de 2010 18:39
Respuestas · 4
people traveling around the space xD
31 de mayo de 2010
Umm... space-travellers. Chop up the word until you recognise it. ;) Outer space! That wonderfully exciting place full of almost nothing! :D
30 de mayo de 2010
tit means that gus who travel to the space for exploring it.
30 de mayo de 2010
people who travel into space as a sort of tourism but i've read it's too much expensive.
30 de mayo de 2010
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