What is the difference between "life" and "lives"? How to use them?
31 de may. de 2010 6:43
Respuestas · 3
Life is a singular noun. It only refers to one subject. (ex. "I have a life." Subject: yourself.) Lives is a plural noun. It refers refers to more than one subject or a group. (ex. "Save the lives of the animals." Subjects: Animal like dogs, cats, etc.)
31 de mayo de 2010
Life is a singular noun. It refers to a single subject or person. Ex. I have a happy life with my wife and daughter. Lives is a plural noun. It refers to two or more subject. Ex. Thier lives was threathened by the strong typhoon.
1 de junio de 2010
The word ''LIFE'' is noun .The word ''LIVE'' or "LIVES" ( 3rd form of verb) is verb. All difference in this!!! Good luck!!!!
31 de mayo de 2010
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