If "식" is at the end of a word? Does "식" at the end of a word mean anything? ex: 졸업 = 졸업식 or does it have no meaning at all? ><'
31 de may. de 2010 15:51
Respuestas · 1
It means 의식(ceremony, ritual) 입학식 a school entrance ceremony 방학식 an end-of-semester assembly 개막식 an opening ceremony 장례식 a funeral 신고식 initation/hazing ritual 하다 is a versatile verb used with a two-letter noun, 행복하다, 공부하다, 운동하다 etc. 입학하다 enter a school 방학하다 break up for the summer vacation 개막하다 begin the performance 의식, 장례식 are used with 치르다.
31 de mayo de 2010
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